Archive for the ‘Acupuncture’ Category
Yokohama University of Pharmacy News
The news shows that Hajime Komatsu talked about ‘Kampo Medicine and Hara Diagnosis’ at NZRA Annual Conference and NZSATCM.
Shiraku Method
I demonstrated ‘Shiraku’ which is Japanese blood letting technique,
it is shown on the website.
NZRA Wellington Peer Group Meeting 2
I’ll demonstrate the Japanese blood letting and Hara Palpation once more.
Time: 3.00pm to 5.00pm, 11 July
Venue: Newtown Acupuncture Centre, 80 Riddiford Street, Newtown, Wellington
See more =>
We provide …
We provide Kampo Medicine (Traditional Japanese Medicine), Japanese Acupuncture, Shiatsu Massage (Acupressure), Cupping, Moxibustion, Japanese Tea Ceremony and other dietary and therapeutic exercise advice.
NZRA Wellington Peer Group Meeting
I’ll present Japanese Style Acupuncture, Hara diagnosis and a blood letting technique.